Elderly Underserved American Marketing During Coronavirus Pandemic

There times I've used the "easy-to-use  marketing" services . Three times I've felt like I could have fasted and did meditation for the past 40 days and the outcome would have been more peaceful. 
1st.   Time. My daughter ended up ordering for me from the very same grocery store 5 minutes down the street from me. I shop there, at least twice a month. Yet,  "they don't deliver groceries. . " according to manager.
My daughter,  1000 miles away, called the same store manager to order, got me online, stayed online until I made my order, paid for groceries over the same phone call. Before the call ended, delivery was calling me to tell me they would be at my door in 10 minutes,  between 7-8 PM.
2nd Time. I  had to use a different grocery shopping store. The 1st store delivery services  wentry on strike.  
Yet, this is also a community shopping center I use frequently.  The  lay staff members know my name, well.
I signed in to the grocery delivery and pick up services.  Delivery services not yet processed.  After checking out online forms, I called to confirm my divided orders. Divided by the grocery and shopping store.
WhenI called spoke with management who asked my name and what did I need help with. I politely told him. He later returned with. Ma'am there is no such order here in that name. I asked where the address of the store and told him that's the store I signed with. He abruptly said, you need order numbers to check out purchases. I finally said, Sir, I will find the order numbers and call you back...
I called back after I rested awhile.  The manager wasn't in . So, I asked the female staffer if she would confirm orders and pick up since the date and time was set for early morning hours and I needed to touch base with the person going to pick up order for me. Her response was, ok, "but, aren't you the same one who called before, " I said,  yes I am. I don't know what he told you but he told me that I need the order numbers.  She said, OK.
I read the first order number.  She said "that order number is not here".
I read the 2nd number.  She said,  "Ma'am that's not a Walmart number.  I was persistent.  I asked her to check again.  SHE HUNG UP ON ME...
All three orders were over $100 and paid for with debit cards. 
After more rest. I called another branch. It was Laurie at the 2nd branch that treated me as a human being should be treated by a PROFESSIONAL HUMANITARIAN. 
My order was at Branch 1 of the same shopping Store. 
I had my assistant pick up my order although I received no apologies from the management of the 1st branch
3rd. Order. Went well. Except  1 item. Big item. Incorrect.  I call Pickup Management.  He took the issue to Customer service to be handled.  I was told to take item and grocery order number to customer service desk.  My assistant did that. Two customer service employees and a manager said the major item was not bought there and turned my assistant away. Who called me I read the order number and the purchase numbers on the same page. I was called a liar and the phone handed over to my assistant as though hung up on me...then my assistant held the phone. I asked to speak to store mgr.
The person there checked again and found their error. 
My assistant was given the exchange. ..
As a Senior citizen over 65, at high risk, the Service community yet treat us less than human.  My assistant is also a Black American over 55 years old high risk who should not be handled like the way she was handled. 
How can we better these God given opportunities from Merchant services? 
Respectfully Submitted 
