Pioneer Homeschool Children of 1970s -1990s Have Excellence Education Tools and OTHER HELP for Coronavirus Victims Forced to HOMESCHOOLING 2020

Tanya, Arthur,  Miriam 
Homeschooling 1970-the 1980s

Today children over the entire Globe are being forced into getting their Excellence Education at Home or in a relative's or sitter's home with an unlicensed and more than likely uninterested and uncaring Educator. Yes. They have their iPhones, ANDROIDS, TABLETS, LAPTOPS.  But, are they familiar with doing all of their schooling stuck in their bedrooms,  bathrooms, living rooms? Are the millions of children in America and the wide world ready and required to utilize their individual CREATIVITY to develop and establish a learning facility for themselves? Do they realize and recognize their strengthened Giftedness? Are they excellence educated in the way of developing their Giftedness and modifying their most valuable giftedness into marketable talents?
Ask some of the young adults you know about making homeschooling comfortable in a structured way? Learn about extending your attention span? PIONEER HOMESCHOOL CHILDREN of the 1970s? 1980? Will assist you. Just ask.
Respectfully Submitted 
Gloria J Hunt Keith 
